
FAQ of MB SD C4 V2018.03

Q: Why I need reactivate for Xentry, How to solve the problem?

Step1:After register successful;

Step 2:pls copy the file “lic_key_2.dat” from C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\LicDir\lic_key_2.dat”, and then paste it to F:\xentry\bin

Step3: Right Single-click Xentry ,  and change the file from “start_xentry.exe” into “Xentry.cmd”

Q: There pop up the fault(1-2)-2 503.9901 when I test on vehicle, how to fix the trouble?

A: Pls enter the control panel<Network status and tasks<View network status and tasks<Change the adapter settings<local network connection<Attributes,
Then choose as follow option, and enter the IP address as below.

V2018.03 MB SD Connect Compact C4 Star Diagnostic TooL With Vediamo and DTS Engineering Software Support Offline Programming

